Sunday, September 29, 2002

An okay sunday night

Went to J-town yesterday^_^, and had food.....and drat, I think I missed out on using all my meals....but who cares. Feeling a lot better now, after copious amounts of sleep-catch-up I played. Got my tablet friday too!^_^ Testing it out/practicing on and off. Still not used to it, and I'm a terrible abuser of the blur tool, but I'm trying, really. Wrote some, drew some, etc. Doing homework, actually on pg 7 on an assignment with 8pbs. And it's not due till Tuesday too...*feels ahead*.

One picture. Turned out okay^_^. might color it if the fancy hits me...

And with that, I bid thee adieu. Or at least, temporary good-night^_^


Thursday, September 26, 2002

I am so tired....

Went to bed at 1am last night/this morning. Got woken up at 5:55am because of the people doing construction, seemingly RIGHT outside our window. Other people's original characters bugging my brain and muse, and my muse is happily throwing picture and story ideas at me when I'm just about ready to fall over and, screw classes, sleep for a whole day. I can't WAIT for the weekend, I can't WAIT for my tablet, and I have a full day today with nary a break in between, until 7 because I can't do my own fricking homework. Life sucks.

The doujin sketches are semi-finalized, with 7 pages done. Not much commentary from besides the people that I showed it to knowing that I'd get good advice, but oh, well. I'm thinking this might have to be postponed a bit...or at least, progress will be slowed, because of the first round of midterms coming up. Yippee yay, I have one next monday. Joyous. Which reminds me I gotta go buy a scantron for it. And turn in my homework. Which means I really should be going instead of writing in this blog. Blah.

Found my Bobby and Sara picture yesterday. Jen-sama had it, thank goodness. I mean, I had the pencil original SOMEWHERE...but she had the colored versions since she did the coloring, and I'd forgotten to d/l it while I still had the links. With her site going through renovation, I wasn't sure where to look^^;. Thinking about opening another section in the 'Original' Section of the page..."Art for other people (original and mixed)"...For the stuff I did for jen and yayoi, if nothing else. I think I have enough now to justify making the section.

Want to renovate site, probably WON'T due to inherent laziness. It's functional, and I try to link everything more or less logically. Contemplating moving to Ainself with Ryo and Elf-san, they have a good deal going....but won't worry about it now, at any rate. Going to class...ja.....@_@


Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Ah! It's almost 12:30!

Ok, that was irrelevant...

Nothing much here. Just contemplating posing links to piccies. deciding against it, of course, because of inherent laziness. Well...mebbe...@_@. I don't even remember what I have anymore...

Well, there's the school sketch...

And the Fruits Baskets pencil sketch...

And 6 (soon to be 7) pages of doujin. Not gonna post that here...^^; Not sure I want my name attached to it as of now, in its unfinished and ickified glory. Reminds me I gotta finalize it somehow...wonder if I should do it on manga paper or not...@_@

Going to go find some lunch and eat it now (duh, would i find lunch and NOT eat it?^^;;;;). So tired...@_@. Staying up late is definitely not good for me, because it seems to take at least a few extra days of sleeping in to dispel the effects...



Tuesday, September 24, 2002


Geez, my titles are SO creative, aren't they?

Feeling a bit tired and blah now. Yesterday involved vigorous exercise, and tomorrow will be more of the same. Got about 6-7 hours of sleep last night, which isn't nearly enough for this Majo. So annoyed with homework, why won't it go away? Then common sense kicks in and tells me it's stupid to stress, just shut up and do it. And I will, really....just when I'm less tired...@_@.

Various homework is piling up. Not fun. Tablet's supposed to come this week. Good. Sleepy as hell, not as good, so I'll try remedying that. Feel generally unmotivated/in limbo. I'm basically hanging between two projects now, the X/F doujinshi and the piccie I did for Dray. The second could be done easily enough once I know what she thinks of it, but Dray's got computer problems. Planning on adding one more page to part 1 of the doujin, just to make it better paced and less cluttered, especially at the end. I wish paneling and layouts came to me naturally. I wish a lot of things.

Kinda introspective and brooding, not a mood I like to be in. For some reason today was really out of focus, if it could be explained that way. Nothing seemed to be looking right, it all looked suspiciously like I was peering through some sort of strange distorted looking glass. Or maybe it's my glasses that are messed up. I'm supposed to be having an easier time this semester...why does it seem like I'm still not keeping up? Probably cuz I'm lazy as hell....Well, i did get some homework done today, so I suppose that's some consolation. I think I should quit the RP....not that it's taking too much time but it will,and most of the time I feel so dead that I might as well not have been there. Laziness and tiredness speaking here, things always seem gloomier when you're sleepy and grumpy.

At least I don't have midterms until next week, and the weeks after that...Then it'll be finals, etc. Sometimes I wonder how I made it for two years.^_^; Scary thought....

Ok, going to bed now. Going to get up early tomorrow (hopefully) and get some work done. Really. I WILL....grr....



Monday, September 23, 2002


As far as mondays go, this one isn't too bad. Would've been super good if I had gotten my tablet (but it might still come, so I'm not gonna say anything more^_^) but not too bad...Did most of my japanese stuff last night/saturday, so spent a lot of time on Sunday hammering out story ideas. I got Dralore-san's picture sketched out (the one for the Fruits Baskets guys) now I just have to wait for her approval before inking it, etc. Did some more drawings for Lucy, which makes everyone happy cuz I get to read more of her stuff. Drat....promised Thea-san I'd try to work on the Hellsing Fragment.....but I obviously didn't^^; Spent the last few hours of Sunday doing sketches/drafts for the X/F Doujinshi. FINALLY. I've been saying I'll do that for FOREVER.....or at least, since last semester.^^; So far the first part is 6 pages....I projected it to be 3-4...-_-; Can we tell that SOMEONE can't predict her own ramblings?^_^; I've got a bunch of lovely people editing it for me once I get more feedback on the paneling (that's what I'm most worried about right now), I can revise, and after i get it right I can start drawing it down on manga paper! Whee, I'm so excited! Not even going to think about how I'm going to get copies, etc, to make a real doujin. Just going to try getting it right first!^_^ And I've found out that it really DOESN'T work unless it's at least 11pm at night, after I've done some wacko things with the rest of my online friends...otherwise inspiration's about as flat as a day old soda...

Listening to music. Got a few Hikaru Utada songs. I like First love as usual. Automatic is also really good. Getting used to Can you Keep a Secret?...also got a bunch of Masami Okui songs that I liked. Super happy that I got Kiss in the Dark back.^_^ Ugh....need to work on econ homework....But I really want to draw ...or sleep.^_^; 45 minutes until class, I really should read my text-_-;'s Monday^_^. Time to return to reality.....


Saturday, September 21, 2002

It's SATURDAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes....I would've written one yesterday screeching "it's FRIDAY!!!!!!!" except that would be kinda redundent, don't you think?^_^

Tis the weekend and I know I should do my homework while I still have time to do it, but the urge to goof off continues to override common sense. Went to 99ranch market today and got some drinks, and lots of ramen. Good stuff, yum. Ate at a terrible noodle place tho....;_; now my motivation to go to J-town tomorrow is even stronger.

In other news.....there is no other news^_^; Well, I did get Sentinel done, the short-stuff was getting impatient. Lemme find the link.....Nitpicky details include many complaints about the daisies and the direction they're moving/not moving along with the wind, and a small thumb. But overall he turned out okay. So now for the pic of all the immortals together. And the pic for the FB bishes....

Drat, I want that tablet^^;

In other news, laptop being funky. Occasionally gives me the blue screen of death, not to mention the touchpad went wacko this morning, and this afternoon it wouldn't respond until I'd restarted it about three times...@_@. Hope it's not going to be a big problem.....

Going now, ja!


Wednesday, September 18, 2002


Yes...Majo is being dilligent and doing homework. No new art, and whatever I did write in terms of ficcage is not worth reading. Too tired to cobble together a coherent sentence these days. might add decal, the art of Comics. Might, big might, depending on how I like the class today...It's in an hour and I came online to double check the locations...

Sort of doing homework...finally did my IDS reading today (this morning) after I dragged my lazy ass out of bed. It's harder and harder to get up, I noticed...dang, and it's still three days till the weekend...

Might go to either J-town or the chinese supermarket this weekend, depending on how much hw i have. Must study for test on friday...and do listening exercises. Drat, keep forgetting that.

Going to go now and do that homework. Typing. Happy yay...too bad my wrist doth protest.



Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Nothing much here...

Thirty minutes until class starts. Gonna be a long stretch this time, no time for lunch until around 2pm *it's about 10:30 right now*. Haven't had breakfast, or enough sleep...sheesh, makes me wonder if the ppl lecturing yesterday had a point about chronic stress...^_^;

Given up on homework, pretty much. Given up on getting it one hundred percent right, even 50% right...too hard and too much of it^_^; Almost as frustrating as statistics...but not quite. At least the profs make sense this time.

Angelfire not roadblocking html I might think about putting the piccies into html files and linking them, to avoid the almighty and all-annoying roadblock. Might involve a little bit more effort on my part I might do it for the better piccies, but not for the ultra-sloppy sketchy ones.

Speaking of ultra-sloppy sketches...Did one...yesterday? can't remember. It was my reward for having slogged through as much of the econ homework as I did. Gonna work harder next time, truly! Hard to think about it though...quizzes tomorrow, possibly midterms coming up, and stomach is hurting from ingesting nothing but a block of rice-crispy treat.^_^;;;; Healthy eating indeed...<-sarcastic.

The three main charas of the Inversed cast...after a long time.^_^ Sloppy sloppy sloppy...but still nostalgia inducing. Makes me wanna write more. No time. Ooh, lookie at the clock...ten more minutes left. Or rather, 25 more minutes except I'm paranoid and am always Waaaaaaaay too early to class.

Still have to mail out cds. keep forgetting...bad Majo! Mooncakes are on their way, got email today regarding it. Hope to have them soon, yummy mooncakes. Don't have money, as usual. I'm starting to feel very poor...^_^; Maybe I'll go to the bank and get some money today, just to soothe my poor ego...and to let me get something to eat.

You know, my mom gave me a check just for this occasion (of feeling poor) but I would feel bad cashing it. -__-; Always funny to spend money not earned myself. Funny set of morals I have...

REALLY hungry now...@_@. Wonder if I'll have time to grab a bite before 121 lecture? I can just imagine trying to wolf down something in 30 minutes...Hehe, must keep in mind to not let stress get to me,....and eat healthy. Right...>_< How easy it is to say, and how hard it is to do. Sounds Zen...

In other news: Still no progress on sites, the misc. site is now oddly colored because I changed the background but not the text or link or anything else^_^;;;;;;. No time to html anything else except that test page for the piccie. School sucks majorly, and I'm going to devote more time to it now that I've had my first barrage of homeworks ALL DUE ON THE SAME DAY. Let that be a lesson learned -__-;. REALLY wanted to color the Sesshomaru pic last night, but homework and indecision (like, do I want to ink it or not???) kept it from happening. Did random doodles in class, but none worthy of viewing. Icky doodles.

Original characters are bugging me to work on them. As of late, Kenken and his posse seem to be more lively, probably because I see BJ-san more often online. She came up with a quest for them last night...Tee-hee, I feel sorry for Kenken already, the poor boy. It's amazing he's not more mentally unbalanced considering it's us two manipulating his very existance...

Ack...class in 8 minutes! Well, more like 18 minutes since our college starts ten minutes after the listed I have a bit of time to ramble. What was I talking about? I can't remember...*reads* Ah, poor Kenken...well, if the quest goes as planned, then the story will really deserve its title of Calamity^_^;

Jen-sama's archives are down for maintance.^_^; Funny thought...and I need to do that too! Not that i have nearly as much stuff, but archiving my old fanart and fics will be a pretty time consuming process.

Ok, going to post this and go to class now.^_^ Ja!


Monday, September 16, 2002

it works!


To see if AF will roadblock .html files too. (probably not)


Let's see!^_^


Sunday, September 15, 2002

More piccies

I'm supposed to be doing my japanese composition and my econ homeworks...but I'm not. I'm linking piccies instead, so there. *raspberry*

I wanted to wait till I got all four of them done, but three out of four isn't too bad, especially considering my usual attention span....

These be Lucy's characters (well, except Charon) so they're not mine, or YOURS either (unless you're reading this, lucy^^;), so do not take or face the wrath of the mechanical pencil! <-is hyper Nemesis, The Goddess of Vengence...Though I put her in modern clothes and she doesn't look very threatening, does she..?^^;;;;;; Thanatos, the God of Death...*fans self* I think he turned out rather well..... Charon...I forgot what his title was. Guide of the Souls or something^_^;;;; A very grumpy bish in general. Had to resort to multiple threats of feminine-wear to get him to behave.

And I'm missing Sentinel...will get to the poor dear soon. It was veryyyy late last night, around 2 am, I think. Or 3am, forgot. I didn't actually go to sleep until 4, because I had one of my ultra rare bouts of insomnia. So I wrote a letter, did a bit of homework, and cleaned a bit. Then I felt settled enough to snooze.^_^

Drat, Sunday already and homework is NOT done....can't go to J-town today...*sigh* Oh, well. Only myself to blame.^_^



Friday, September 13, 2002


Depending on how you rank pictures that are made over...... For Thea-san, once I find her again...based on her X/F fic, Comedia. Filia turned out icky, Xelloss turned out nice. Makes me wanna cuddle him.^_^; It's still incomplete, but oh, well. The Xel/Fi pair pic, not quite as I imagined it to be but the best I can do on a touchpad. Still looking for lyrics to put in the background

And that's all folks!



I have turtles. No...not REAL turtles. Dorms don't allow pets. I have turtle figurines. Just recently i realized it's become a collection...o_0;. A tiny cute one is the latest to my collection, he's a little bigger than my thumb, a dark murky green with dull mustard yellow markings. Then there's the ceramic one from a longgggggggg time ago, from an old friend that I've lost touch with, a more cheerful yellow and green. That one's about twice as big as a normal eraser, the big pink ones...Then there's my windchime turtle, about the same size but hanging from my lamp with chimes, I do believe there's a bit of orange on his shell.... Everytime i turn the light on or off, it tinkles.^_^. And my big turtle is, I think, supposed to be some sort of holder for something. The shell comes off and I store quarters for laundry in it. It's about the size of a big fist, I think, and pale yellow and brown.^_^

I think I should name my turtles....heck, not like I'm doing anything important right now. In fact, all I want to do is nap.-_-; Or draw ladies with blades. yeah, I don't know what's up either....

Keep getting strange urges to write angst. Or to name my turtles Ka, Me, Ta, Chi (kame-tachi, literally 'the turtles'). Majo no baka

Crash and burnn.....

I was in a good mood around 1pm. Class was over, I was happily fed, and there was the weekend ahead of me. Sure, it's Friday the 13th, but I don't really believe in bad luck and all that....

I still don't. Nothing bad happened to me today, except maybe the abrupt mood plummet about two hours ago. Now I'm cranky as hell, pissed at the world, hot, and got a funny feeling in my mouth from tangerine altoids (which aren't really altoids, more like warheads, but who's keeping track?) and my FRICKING picture REFUSES to cooperate with me photoshop. I HATE PHOTOSHOP!>_< Especially on a touchpad!!!!!!! *rant rant* I can't do anything remotely detailed, because I know for sure it'll screw up, because the entire concept of touchpadding is NOT suited for art! >_<

And in other news Majo STILL has to make sites. Yes, and she's forgotten most of her HTML already so she'll probably have to go get a program for it. And that means her computer will get MORE full of programs she'll use maybe once, and her site STILL looks icky, or at least, the same it's always been. -_-;

Hell with it, I'm going to draw. -_-; It's about the only thing that can cheer me up now, except maybe the arrival of the promised mooncakes.

Life sucks. But I still love my mom. Probably predicted I'd be PMSing right about now and ordered the mooncakes for it. Either that or she just wanted me to have a proper Chinese Moon Festival celebration this year. Whatever, I don't give a damn, she's still the most wonderful person that's ever lived.

And Tess too, for sending me the tangerine war-I mean, altoids, for the cute candy wand, for sending me my junk in the first place. It's times like these that I'm glad the ppl who are wonderful aren't with me, otherwise they might get annoyed at my whininess.-_-;

I just HATE it. Photoshop, not working with me. -_-. Why did I install the dumb program anyway? It's about as helpful as.....Xelloss.-___-; Grrrrr......

Going now. Going to draw and hopefully feel less inferior and annoyed. That's it.


listening to music again

Went and downloaded myself some old and new favorites. Mostly english songs, shock. Lots of song from Sarah Mclaughlin, two from Celine Dion, and Unchained Melody from the Righteous Brothers. I'm tempted to get Bent, but I'm not sure if I really want it. Oh, and "I love you always forever" by Donna Lewis. In mood to blast music and sing along, but can't cuz Roomie is trying to get essay done^_^; No piccies, but hand feels better. Looks much better too, not so ickily bruised. Ripe plum is not my color. "bent" by Matchbox 20. I do love this song....^^ I have strange tastes, or maybe not.

Fingers are cold..@_@ Going now...find lyrics.


Thursday, September 12, 2002

I promised myself..

That I'd not waste good lined paper by drawing on them. Obviously I didn't keep my promise -__-; Ashura and Frances, in traditional Japanese wear (or as close as I can get it, anyway.) Done during class when anime-styled sketches AREN'T supposed to be produced....higher learning DID take place, sort of.

You know, in IDS today the TA asked us if anything made us feel particularly bad or good during the day. About 90% of us mentioned sleep deprivation. I wonder if that tells us anything...


now I'm done feeling productive. Going to go unproductive stuff now. Yeah.


Let it not be said...

that I know a thing about men's fashion. Cuz I don't.

Sketch of Fluffy in jeans for Shar. Though to tell the truth, I had a lot more fun drawing Rin.^_^ Sesshomaru and Rin in modern looking clothing. I would bet Fluffkins would dress a lot more sharply than what I've put him in, but then again, I DID mention I have no fashion sense, didn't I?^^;;;;;;;

K, going now. Burning some CDs for a friend, and getting ready for class. Actually got a bit of homework done last night, much to my surprise, despite of the fact that my muse is still happily coming up with plot twists here and there and everywhere for every fic she can get her grubby little hands on.-_-; Baka muse.



Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Zach and Fran, 'snoogling', according to my muse. I know I owe ppl pictures, but this one wouldn't go away. I might even color it sometime.....
My Alucard and Integral picture, colored by jen-sama! I wish I could color like her....I will, someday! *pumps fist!* I will!

And that's it for now. Sleepy time....sleep good. Ten thirty..if I actually sleep when I get into bed I can get almost 12 hours!^_^ <-is lazy....




Food is good but killing and suffering is

better. I'm an outright psychopath with

no excuse. Damn, I'm sexy though.

Take the Trigun personality quizlet

This is..this IS....THIS IS EVEN MORE OFF THAN THE ALUCARD ONE!!^^;;;;;;;; <-majo is terrified of Legato.

I'm...LEGATO??????? *runs off to hide*

Got my archives back up...for the blog^_^; No archive site for fics and stuff yet. Lotsa archives...I've had this thing for almost a year now, eh? Scary thought at that...

No real update to report...nor pictures nor linkies nor ficcies. Well, actually, one picture but I've deemed it not worthy of being standalone. Icky coloring, that. Working on Fran/Zach picture right now (yes, i KNOW I owe all sorts of piccies to all sorts of people but Zach and Fran were right there and they were being SO cooperative that I couldn't resist). Want to post linkie to lovely collaboration pic with Jen-sama, but not on my own laptop so don't have the link.-_-; Bah.

what else? Class in an hour and fifteen minutes. My wrists hurt, and I'm taking refuge from the heat outside by staying in the computing center (ooh, air conditioning) instead of going to find something to eat like I should. Already I feel ready to that good? Barely 3pm too. Heh, been feeling this way since 8 am today...too goddamn early to get up for a lazy person like me. If I had a livejournal, one that includes "mood" every time you post? It'd be 'Lazy' 90% of the time, most likely.

Not sure how I like the new template...sorta got used to the blueness of the old one, and a bit taken aback everytime I check (yes, I check my own blog, sad but true...It's got links on it! I need those links when i update! And lists of things to do! ...I AM pathetic.^_^;) and see all those different colors. I think I like the format though, if not the colors. And eventually I'll either work up the motivation to do more customizing, or get tired of this one and change templates AGAIN. I think I'll blame that one on the fickleness of my muse.

Been posting a lot lately...word-wise, not pics wise. Hand hurts a lot, drawing helps but there's so little time for it. Tomorrow's...Wednesday? Can sleep in later I hope, class at 11am. Want to finish Zach and Fran pic so I can get down and dirty with the FB bishes, that dray wanted. Need ref pics. Still don't have them. I suppose I can always go browsing online tonight, if my brain doesn't fizz out first.

Just for fun:

I'm just watching a bad dream I'd never wake up from.

Find out what anime bad boy you are.

Pure Genius

Find out what anime villan you are.

Find out what anime series you belong in.

yes, I'm BORED....and hungry. Gonna go get me some chow now...ja!^_^

Monday, September 09, 2002

listening to music again

Dido's Hunter reminds me of Xellas for some reason. Sounds like her and....Lei Magus^_^; Scary...

And Hellsing's opening is just cool^_^. Very weird but nice and rhythmic. Hip-hop vampires?

Ashura has taken up permanent residence in my head, in the story (not that she wasn't considered semi-permanent from the beginning), and is now conspiring with my muse. Apparently she likes torturing Zach as much as anyone else. I feel sorry for my first bish, though I suspect Kenken continues to feel sorry for himself and pout about having Mimi and Hank inflicted on him. At least my bishes are well behaved, I don't have a single insane one yet ( means I should get one, eh?^_^) but all my gals are pretty Ashura tho, she's'Shura. If that made any sense at all.

in a pretty good mood right now. I think I was blah before because I felt dirty. As in, my hair was oily and stringy, and my skin feels icky. Of course, the fact that it was really hot today didn't help....@_@. IDS lecture was almost unbearable because we were all crammed in this giant indoor auditorium and there was no air conditioning. The heat would've been ok if there was at least AIR moving in there....@_@

Thinking about site building. Hard....Gonna have to HTML by hand, which I suspect will be unpleasent. I have no idea when I'll get my own archives up...@_@, just thinking about it....Then again, I have most of the pages from DoT....if I'm REALLY lazy I might just slap them online and change the URLs...but somehow I feel that's not entirely fair to the fic. Ha, I'm feeling guilty about mistreating a fic....Majo is weird.

Nothing else...thinking I should go to bed. Feeling oddly amused by lots of things today...almost tempted to go read Twig's A long, hard road again....but nah. Need sleep, and I could never stop reading her fics once I start. Even if I've read them at least five times already.

Now listening to Dearest from I My Me! Strawberry Eggs. This song always make me feel kinda bittersweet...Nostalgic. I love the lyrics too, but I don't have them right now. argh, can't go to bed, hair not dry yet. If I go to sleep now my hair'll be sticking up in five different directions tomorrow...@_@. And homework! i need to do homework! Well, I got the japanese homeworks mostly done, and at least 90% of the IDS homework....Econ homeworks are due next week, as well as the japanese grammar homework..@_@ Trying to figure out what I want to do for the remainder of my waking time....which is nothing. Gonna go to bed, uncooperative hair be darned. 8 am class tomorrow, and if this morning was any indication, getting up will be most unpleasent.

Night whoever's reading this^_^


things i owe nice ppl

Otherwise known as Majo's "Don't forget this!" list.

  • Fluffy in Jeans, for Sharlene-sama.

  • build site, for Sharlene-sama.

  • Fruits Baskets bishes for Dray *important!*

  • elves for Irony-san

  • immortals for Lucy

  • Award for spiffy laguna site

  • Zach for me

  • archives site, for me

And that's all I can remember for now...gotta do homework....@_@


if there's any consolation to it being monday...

I don't see it. -_-;

Woke up today at around 5am. Why? Because in my sleep I heard something that sounded like gurgling. VERY loud gurgling. Now needless to say that something gurgling inside my dorm needs to be investigated, and so I sat up. And saw that the coffee-maker's light was on (the little red button thing). Just as I was trying to figure out WHY the heck my coffeemaker was doing in operational status at 5am in the morning (neither my roommie nor I are early risers. At ALL), SOMEONE spoke up from the foot of my bed (which is also where the coffee-maker is, incidentally). Scared the hell out of me.

Turned out my roomie, who is coming down with a cold, had a sore throat and wanted some tea. Crisis and mystery over, I toppled back into bed after getting myself some water (nice cold water...). And proceeded to have a VERY weird dream.

The first part was mostly non-sensical. I was at school, except everything was all high-tech and futuristic. On the way to a class me and a bunch of classmates saw the construction of something going on, and it turned out to be a really cool looking turbo lift for the science building. A teacher came out and I tried to remember how to say "physics" in japanese, to no avail. Whatever.^_^;

The second part of the dream involved Naraku, Inuyasha, Fluffy, and strangely enough, Jaken was in there too. IY and Fluffy were fighting or something (though it looked more like they were playing Twister...) when Naraku showed up and was being all ominous. The weird part was when Sesshomaru looked up, being his usual cool, level-headed self, and suddenly I was dropped into what I think was his mindscape. It was really being in a HUGE black field, with wisps of fog all over, and the occasional white cloth curtains (with cool inscriptions on them) floating out of nowhere. Naraku was looking for Sesshomaru (presumeably to read his mind or somehow control him from inside) and I guess I was tagging along as a third-person spectator (Oh, Jaken was there for the IY and Fluffy twister game, he warned Sesshomaru that Naraku was coming or something....). And those white cloths were EVERYWHERE....I think Naraku was getting annoyed at them, because every once in awhile we'd catch sight of Sesshomaru in them (REAL in, a real PERSON who looks like Sesshomaru. I kid you not. He was beautiful...scarily so. A very pretty man with the eyeshadow and facial markings, in that kimono, which seemed whiter somehow, so much so that he seemed to glow a bit) Once, Naraku took a sheet and yanked, and it gave away and disappeared, and we saw Sesshomaru standing there for a second, before he just gracefully ducked into another bunch of white, waving cloth and disappeared. I thought it was damn cool. And Naraku was pissed.^______^

After that was another weird part...Apparently Fluffy won whatever it was. A longggg time after that some weird aliens landed (they looked like the chinese demons from the folktales book I used to have) and wanted to march in on...wherever they were. Some courtesan ladies were going to stop them, and somehow the invaders stepped onto a plank and it broke and they all fell in.....To find that IY, Fluffy, and......LINA?!, were fighting. It seemed to make sense at the time. Lina was yelling "nii-san!" (big brother) as she stabbed, no, I'm not sure if she meant IY or Fluffy, but in this case it wouldn't matter. It wasn't until I woke up that I thought it would've been hilarious if she had yelled "nee-san!" (big sister) instead.

So the alien invaders look dumbstruck as all three of them fall to the ground (gracefully, of course)...And I think I woke up then, even though since i didn't GET up, there were bits and pieces after that I can't remember.

Was that strange or what?

And now, back to reality. My wrist hurts something awful, and I don't think typing this dream helped. Ouch. Class in 30 mins, I'm tired and crampy, and with my luck I would've caught my roommate's cold. Nothing's resolved anywhere....still don't have Full metal Panic eps 23 and 24 (the last two! ;_;). I have ONE week to do my HW for both econ classes. ...Welcome to college life, yet again, Majo.

Going now, ja!

Sunday, September 08, 2002

Listening to music

This will make absolutely no sense to most people.

Here with Me by Dido: Perfect song for Frances. Perfect. Even if it's not, I love it anyway.

Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls (I think?): almost perfect song for Zach. I love it anyway.^_^

Akai to kuroi from the NOIR soundtrack (track 1, actually): Opening theme! opening theme!^^

Dang....I really want to get Project Genesis written now. Dannnngg.......No plot^_^; No helping it....


another one....

New template?


a blah kind of Sunday

Friday was fun. Saturday was busy. Now Sunday's here and it's just sorta blah.

I'm memorizing japanese vocab right now (yes, STILL memorizing), and reflecting upon my childhood....*lol* no, not really. Not reflecting on FF8 either, despite the fact I just stole a line from Ultimecia...I was thinking about it this morning though, when i was still half asleep. For some reason I really wanted, at that moment, to play the game and have Irvine Card some monsters. I don't know why I was thinking that, but then my brain fell back to the strategies for fighting a Ruby Dragon and I forgot what I thought after that.

I went to a B-day dinner for a friend on Friday, and a bunch of us went to kareoke afterwards. It was terribly fun and sort of expensive, but I sang until my voice died (well, almost. You could hear it cracking near the end). I found that the most serious problem I have with singing is that I have a tendency to burst out laughing/snickering/giggling if I or anyone else messes up a line. Oh, I got to sing "Fukai no Mori" (The second? inuyasha end theme) twice, and Hikaru Utada's 'First Love" once. They had japanese songs!^_^ Those were fun because Ritsuko (a friend of the birthday girl's) and I were the only ones who knew how to sing them^^;. I messed up a lot, but at least I know how to belt out the lyrics to the chorus. So mental note and lesson learned: Kareoke is fun. Gotta go again, sometime

Saturday was spent at home, doing some misc stuff. I still need to wash my handball gloves, darn it...But I'll have to use them tomorrow and I don't know if they'll dry in time unless I throw them in the dryer. Ick. Also went online and chatted with some friends, both new and old.

Oh, and mom called. Might send me some moon-cakes.^_^ Waiiii! I'm so happy! Moon cakes are the BEST! And the chinese moon festival is coming up....*sigh happily* I love my mom....*snicker* and to think my bro declined the same offer.....ah, well, we might be going to a chinese supermarket sometime next weekend anyway....

And now I'm back to being blah. Got an email this morning that I'm not sure how to reply to, wanting to talk to someone about it but no one's on, not to mention it's from the person I usually turn to when I needed to talk to someone. Hmph, blah. And I'm getting hungry too, but don't really want to go downstairs and eat cuz DC food is icky. And I'd have to call my bro and see if he wants to eat, and if he's not awake then I'll wake him up and he'll be grumpy as hell.

I thought of something really strange yesterday (last night/this morning, whatever)...a comparison of sorts, between my two original female characters. My muse said "Ashura as the sun and Frances as the moon, with Kai and Zach as the day and night that embraces them." ...kinda....weird, but poetic^_^; I wonder what she was thinking? Might be an interesting picture idea though.

Speaking of pictures! Jen-sama colored one of mine for me^___^ It's sooooo pretty! But I want to ask her permission before I post the link, since it's not entirely MINE anymore......I spent a lot of time looking at the picture and trying to find traces of me in there, finding some, not finding others. My art...and Jen-sama's wonderful coloring XD...I'm awed. Dang I wish I can color like that.....

Didn't get to see all of Full Metal Panic....CDs only went up to eps 22, which wasn't the last one as I thought. It ended on a cliffhanger! Wah! I wanna see more!

I think I talked myself out of the blah mood. o_0; I'm scary like that, huh?

A bit more vocab left to memorizing, so I'm signing off here. Ja^_^


Friday, September 06, 2002


I got Full Metal Panic on CD from my friend! *borrowing it, to be more precise*...and I have a TEST today!!!!!!!!! o_0; Nooooo! I can't! not watch! I already spent the time to watch 7 episodes yesterday! And went to bed extra early because of it! arghhhhhh!!!!!!!


Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Another piccie: Testing out Kenken the not-smiling. Was supposed to be more serious, but now he just looks weirded out.

I've really gotta stop just posting random links-_-; Should do it all at once....


For Jen-sama (tho locating her to give it to her is another matter)

In chat last night mai Masta Jen-sama gave me an ordaaaa!^^ (majo is hyper, beware). The task: draw Integral holding chibi-Alucard-hellhound by the scruff of neck/collar, asking him/it what it was doing under her bed. The precise wording is lost to me (cuz I have a terrible memory), but an approximation goes thus:

Integral: ...and may I ask what you were doing under my bed? I even want to know??

alucard-hellhound: *whimper/whine*

Integral: Thought so. *puts alucard-hellhound into her silver jewelery box*

alucard-hellhound: *melts*

And so since it was an order from masta Jen-sama and all (I AM Alucard and she IS Integral, after all...^_^), I doodled this first thing in the morning....well, before/during my econ class anyway. Game theory, funnnnnn stuff. But the professor pauses to gather thoughts/erase boards/glance at notes/etc, so offered me plenty of opportunities to draw. I like the way Integral turned out (didn't draw her overcoat thing, she is supposedly still in her bedroom), but the chibi-hellhound sucks.-_-; Ah, well....can't draw guns, can't draw animals....I'm pathetic^_^;

Doh, almost forgot link! As usual beware of Angelfire roadblocks. Copy the link and paste it directly into the browser address window. It works, trust me.

Anyway, off to class. Hope Jen-sama likes. Majo hyper, yes.


Monday, September 02, 2002

random rants

It's hot and icky here. Roommate is gone for the night tho, will return tomorrow morning. Have early class tomorrow, ick. Hellsing obsession not healthy, but at least sort of winding down. Saw the manga today: art not as wonderful as I hoped but story looked a lot funnier. Hehe, me happy! Continued to work sort of on Hellsing the fic...not getting very far but it's for entertainment only, anyway. Integral kicks ass, I love blond women with guns. I think my muse has a fetish for them, how disturbing is that??? Very, i think. Next thing I know, I'll be drawing armed Frances or Filia...-_-;

School going okay, for the most part. Japanese is harrrrrd but econ classes mostly fun. Read 35 pages worth of information on the Beer industry. Will never look at beer the same way again. *makes face* PE fun but too short. Game theory=Yay! Doesn't it sound cool? I think so.<-is easily amused.

What else? Nada......Need to get back into FF8 fandom, but too tired from trying to do Hellsing at the same time^^; Majo lazy...

See ya



Gun sucks. Hand sorta sucks. Something wrong with cigar, and shading's sloppy. But my muse wanted blond with gun. So she drew a blond with a gun. I consider this practice^_^;


Sunday, September 01, 2002

...It happened

................I did Hellsing fanart. Badly. Well, not so badly that I refused to scan it, but still..... Integral by herself Integral w/ Alucard background. He was supposed to be a mid-sized BG...and he ended up hogging the page. Prima Donna *snort*

And that's all for now, folks!
