Sunday, September 15, 2002

More piccies

I'm supposed to be doing my japanese composition and my econ homeworks...but I'm not. I'm linking piccies instead, so there. *raspberry*

I wanted to wait till I got all four of them done, but three out of four isn't too bad, especially considering my usual attention span....

These be Lucy's characters (well, except Charon) so they're not mine, or YOURS either (unless you're reading this, lucy^^;), so do not take or face the wrath of the mechanical pencil! <-is hyper Nemesis, The Goddess of Vengence...Though I put her in modern clothes and she doesn't look very threatening, does she..?^^;;;;;; Thanatos, the God of Death...*fans self* I think he turned out rather well..... Charon...I forgot what his title was. Guide of the Souls or something^_^;;;; A very grumpy bish in general. Had to resort to multiple threats of feminine-wear to get him to behave.

And I'm missing Sentinel...will get to the poor dear soon. It was veryyyy late last night, around 2 am, I think. Or 3am, forgot. I didn't actually go to sleep until 4, because I had one of my ultra rare bouts of insomnia. So I wrote a letter, did a bit of homework, and cleaned a bit. Then I felt settled enough to snooze.^_^

Drat, Sunday already and homework is NOT done....can't go to J-town today...*sigh* Oh, well. Only myself to blame.^_^




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