Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Nothing much here...

Thirty minutes until class starts. Gonna be a long stretch this time, no time for lunch until around 2pm *it's about 10:30 right now*. Haven't had breakfast, or enough sleep...sheesh, makes me wonder if the ppl lecturing yesterday had a point about chronic stress...^_^;

Given up on homework, pretty much. Given up on getting it one hundred percent right, even 50% right...too hard and too much of it^_^; Almost as frustrating as statistics...but not quite. At least the profs make sense this time.

Angelfire not roadblocking html files...so I might think about putting the piccies into html files and linking them, to avoid the almighty and all-annoying roadblock. Might involve a little bit more effort on my part though...so I might do it for the better piccies, but not for the ultra-sloppy sketchy ones.

Speaking of ultra-sloppy sketches...Did one...yesterday? can't remember. It was my reward for having slogged through as much of the econ homework as I did. Gonna work harder next time, truly! Hard to think about it though...quizzes tomorrow, possibly midterms coming up, and stomach is hurting from ingesting nothing but a block of rice-crispy treat.^_^;;;; Healthy eating indeed...<-sarcastic.

Anyhow... http://www.angelfire.com/art2/chyu/extras/nostalgia.jpg
The three main charas of the Inversed cast...after a long time.^_^ Sloppy sloppy sloppy...but still nostalgia inducing. Makes me wanna write more. No time. Ooh, lookie at the clock...ten more minutes left. Or rather, 25 more minutes except I'm paranoid and am always Waaaaaaaay too early to class.

Still have to mail out cds. keep forgetting...bad Majo! Mooncakes are on their way, got email today regarding it. Hope to have them soon, yummy mooncakes. Don't have money, as usual. I'm starting to feel very poor...^_^; Maybe I'll go to the bank and get some money today, just to soothe my poor ego...and to let me get something to eat.

You know, my mom gave me a check just for this occasion (of feeling poor) but I would feel bad cashing it. -__-; Always funny to spend money not earned myself. Funny set of morals I have...

REALLY hungry now...@_@. Wonder if I'll have time to grab a bite before 121 lecture? I can just imagine trying to wolf down something in 30 minutes...Hehe, must keep in mind to not let stress get to me,....and eat healthy. Right...>_< How easy it is to say, and how hard it is to do. Sounds Zen...

In other news: Still no progress on sites, the misc. site is now oddly colored because I changed the background but not the text or link or anything else^_^;;;;;;. No time to html anything else except that test page for the piccie. School sucks majorly, and I'm going to devote more time to it now that I've had my first barrage of homeworks ALL DUE ON THE SAME DAY. Let that be a lesson learned -__-;. REALLY wanted to color the Sesshomaru pic last night, but homework and indecision (like, do I want to ink it or not???) kept it from happening. Did random doodles in class, but none worthy of viewing. Icky doodles.

Original characters are bugging me to work on them. As of late, Kenken and his posse seem to be more lively, probably because I see BJ-san more often online. She came up with a quest for them last night...Tee-hee, I feel sorry for Kenken already, the poor boy. It's amazing he's not more mentally unbalanced considering it's us two manipulating his very existance...

Ack...class in 8 minutes! Well, more like 18 minutes since our college starts ten minutes after the listed time...so I have a bit of time to ramble. What was I talking about? I can't remember...*reads* Ah, poor Kenken...well, if the quest goes as planned, then the story will really deserve its title of Calamity^_^;

Jen-sama's archives are down for maintance.^_^; Funny thought...and I need to do that too! Not that i have nearly as much stuff, but archiving my old fanart and fics will be a pretty time consuming process.

Ok, going to post this and go to class now.^_^ Ja!



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