Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Ah! It's almost 12:30!

Ok, that was irrelevant...

Nothing much here. Just contemplating posing links to piccies. deciding against it, of course, because of inherent laziness. Well...mebbe...@_@. I don't even remember what I have anymore...

Well, there's the school sketch...

And the Fruits Baskets pencil sketch...

And 6 (soon to be 7) pages of doujin. Not gonna post that here...^^; Not sure I want my name attached to it as of now, in its unfinished and ickified glory. Reminds me I gotta finalize it somehow...wonder if I should do it on manga paper or not...@_@

Going to go find some lunch and eat it now (duh, would i find lunch and NOT eat it?^^;;;;). So tired...@_@. Staying up late is definitely not good for me, because it seems to take at least a few extra days of sleeping in to dispel the effects...




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