Sunday, April 28, 2002

Ever wonder if your body is out to kill you?

Hello, hello. Don't mind me, this entry will probably just be a string of complaints and other not-so-fun to read things. I figure that's what blogs are for, eh? Sometimes you might feel crappy for no reason at all. And since I'm such a wonderful nice person (heh, right), I'll just vent here and save all the other ppl I'll be talking with the problem.

today didn't start off too badly. I got up too early (had the laundry done by about ten am) and did some stuff. I also watched some stupid gory movie for my L&S class. It was when I got back that things started getting worse. For some reason my stomach is intent on killing me. And it's not even agonizing or anything, just that annoying constant pain that makes you feel tired and cranky and snippish. And I am snippish. I haven't been in a mood this bad since...well, since a long time ago. Sleep deprivation does that to me. Sleep dep combined with annoying headache and stomachache and neckache from hell makes me worse. Ever wanna just curl up and die? Well, I want to curl up and die but if that's not possible, then I'd like to punch someone. Since that's not possible either, I think I'll just keep ranting, and try to not throw up.

Taking a nap helped, but getting up seemed to have made it worse. I wonder if that's gonna be a good excuse to not go to school tomorrow, but then again, this IS college. Maybe this is just pre-Finals stress. Yes, finals are coming up. I HATE finals. I despise finals. Then again, I hate a lot of things when I'm in this mood. Ugh, maybe I can go write something evil. Nope...fingers too cold. And my neck hurts. Wish I had someone who knows how to do the message, it always sound like it feels so good.

And the problem is, I can't really make myself be that nasty to vent. I think one of the RPers did that last night, and I remember being kinda confused and hurt by it (she got really mad and accused us of not listening to her when she said she had to go soon. All we did was try to ask her in what way she'd like to have her chara temporarily leave the story) so I know I wouldn't do it to anyone else, even if I did feel crappy. Cuz that's just not me. Maybe I have TOO much consideration for others, but unlike some people, I do notice that ppl don't like getting their feelings stepped on. I doubt it'd make me feel better for long anyway. Me and my stupid guilt complex. Grr....

I really want to go home. Get peace and quiet. Eat mom's cooking. Heck, I'll even put up w/ my bro annoying me. He doesn't seem so bad now, as compared to when we were younger. I guess that's a plus, cuz I'd hate to be w/ my bro if he's forever acting like a seven year old.

Ugh, I think I feel a bit better, emotionally if not physically. Looking at the sandwhich still makes me want to puke though, so I think I'll hold off eating it until tomorrow or something. I hope it won't be bad by then....

I think I'll go back to bed now. Though whether or not I'll be able to is still up in the air, seeing as how someone on my floor appearantly thinks it's okay to play soccer indoors, in the hall. Gods, I wish people would grow up. I really do. Usually I'm okay with dorm life, but occasionally I just want OUT. Out out out out out. I'm starting to hate this place. Either that, or it's the bad mood talking again.

K, signing off now...I'll probably be all genki again tomorrow, let's hope so cuz that means those stupid aches are gone. *crosses fingers*


Friday, April 26, 2002

Rantings of the Sleep Deprived (and Yes, it's FRIDAY! Yoooohoooo!)

Today's my brother's 18th birthday. If I had planned better, I might've been home by now, celebrating it with him (and eating my mom's cooking...*melts w/ anguish that that isn't so...*). But anyway, I'll wish him Happy birthday over the phone or something.^_^ I remember when I turned 18....scary things...didn't happen. At all. I was like, "That's it? What was the big deal?" Then again, I'm not exactly the most exciting person out there, so I didn't go out and do wild stuff just because I was 18. I'm gonna be 20 soon, and I'm STILL not doing wild stuff. *sigh...*

I feel productive. Except for the fact that I skipped out on Stats lecture today, I was pretty productive (and it's barely noon!^_^). I finally sat down and had a down and dirty fistfight with Photoshop, with the result that I finally finished the two counter hit request pics that I was behind on. One more to go!^_^. This latest one is for Thea-san...We never DID decide on which one of the two options to do...One of them is for her original character, and the other one is for the kiss scene in Inversed.^_^;;; Oiii....I have NO idea which one...though I can imagine that drawing the kiss would be much harder because it involves not only TWO characters, but them interacting. Interaction's hard.

And actually, that's all I did.^_^ Unless you count all the homework that I got done, it really isn't much, is it..? Oroooo....So much for being productive!^^;

Okie...I'm going to go catch up on some sleep now. I've been sleeping very little for this past week, and considering how lazy I am, that is a bad thing^_^



Friday, April 19, 2002

My monitor is showing funny colors... is. Most of what is supposed to be gray is this funny blue-green. It's kinda nice, actually. And it's Friday, which might have something to do with it, since EVERYTHING seems nice/amusing/funny on Fridays...

I have to work out my class schedule soon though...the registration is this monday...@_@. Hopefully I can go to J-town again tomorrow...but then again it would be bad cuz I'd spend a lot of money^_^. I'm proud of myself though...I managed to only eat out ONCE this week (mon to fri). That's a pretty good amount of money saved up, I should think. And I really should save it...@_@

Projects include finishing the 700th hit pic for Figgy-san, 834th hit pic for Mel, and the other one for Thea, if she'll tell me what she wants.^_^. Also color the bobsara piccie if I have time...@_@. some things to read, econ and stat homework due sometime next week, as well as some japanese stuff. Almost time for the Japanese finals...eek, where does the time go!?

So now it's the lull between the last of the second round of midterms and finals. Ugh....I sooo do not want to do finals again...@_@.

Other than that, nothing else is up. RPing Lina right now, and having a lot of fun doing it^_^. Probably gonna try doing it for a bit...maybe I'll get to play Filia in some other RP. I started off RPing Filia actually, but Lina's fun to play.

K, going back to the RP now.^_^ Ja!


Monday, April 15, 2002

I just wrote a long post and the browser ate it. I hate my life right now^^;

Brief recap: Will be busy. Terribly so. have midterm, tests, and an art project. So ppl who email/chat w/ me be warned: will be distracted/late in replies. Weekend sucked majorly, except for the trip to j-town and the cherry blossom festival being held there. That was fun.

here's the link to the pic I did for jen-sama

That's all. see you all laters^_^


Saturday, April 13, 2002

Quote of the day

"Adulthood is unavoidable. Growing up is optional."

-From Edwired-san

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Plot Bunnies? What plot bunnies?

.....actually, I think all the plot bunnies are sleeping right now...hehe, so I'll see if I can introduce a few of them quietly...

*picks up a cute black plot bunny* This here is the angst bunny. Usually I don't have bunnies for certain genres, but this one had been particularly obnoxious lately.^_^ makes me want to write lots and lots of angst. It's working w/ the plot bunnies of Falling From Grace (Slayers, Xel/Fi, AU) to create a dark, angsty story. I'm trying to stop it...@_@. It's also advocating Deaths of Major Characters for Inversed(Slayers, AU) and Project Genesis(original). It gets along wonderfully with my muse, but steers clear of me.

And here is the Lemon Bunny. *picks up cream colored bunny* This is the one that is sitting on my muse's head and trying to make her write lemons. Thankfully, this plot bunny has succeeded in nothing but annoying the both of us, because she likes lemons but can't write them, and I just can't write lemons, period.-_-;

Eep! Gotta go! I'll introduce more later!^^; If I can round up all the plot bunnies for Inversed, that is...@_@

Majo-chan w/ the plot bunnies, signing off.

Betw classes

'ello there. I'm between classes now so I must type fast^^. Hmm, nothing new going on, except that i'm hungry, and I didn't get to go to J-town last sunday...did get good food at Aunt's place tho^^;.

I hate stats, still, nothing is happening to change that opinion. I did fine on my japanese test last friday(the one I mentioned in the previous entry), it's actually the highest score that I've gotten so far.

Fics and art feel dead as of right inspiration^^;

Hmm, daylight saving's time is over and I think I'm adjusted, but I'm sleepy because I spent an hour doing online banking (I forgot my password, sign-in ID, etc) and went to bed an hour later than usual.@_@. I hope it worked, even tho that would mean I'm minus $200 in the bank account.@_@. Ugh, spent too much money on sushi and anime. Gonna tighten that belt! no more splurges! I will control my flow of money!^^;

Ugh, tired.......and my leg hurts for some odd reason. i already skipped a day of PE for it...probably won't today tho. I've got so many emails to catch up on!^^; I'm terrible at replying on-time now. I used to do the emails the same day, but now...-_-;;; Now I'm lazy and busy and that's the worst of combinations...@_@

Ok, that's the five minute update on my life^^; I don't think anyone's actually interested, but I figured i would put it up, if nothing else, I can read it later and laugh at my own whininess^_^ Is that even a word? Ah, a question for the ages...

Going now. class in 20 min, so maybe I'll make another posty about the plot bunnies in my head if they'll stay still long enough for me to organize them...

The end--Majo-chan

Friday, April 05, 2002


Gee...can you tell I like Fridays?^_^

Anyway, yeah, it's Friday. I had a test in Japanese today, and I think I did okay inspite of not studying as much as I should have. I managed to NOT skip Stats lecture today (though I was tempted...soooo tempted...) and to my surprise, it actually made some sense today (something about prior and posterior probabilities. I understood the math, but the explainations lost me...). And I got the needed econ book to start doing my homework, so guess what I'm going to do?

Not homework, that's for sure!

Hehe...this weekend I'm going to go shopping for necessities (batteries, lotion, water filters, boring stuff), and maybe go to Japantown again! I've calculated that I need at least 5 other colors for my markers collection before I have a range that i'm happy with...there goes another $30, at least...@_@. And of course, there's lovely homework to deal with, pictures to draw, stories to write, etc....

So I'm gonna go. I started a food fight in mIRC last night...that was fun^_^;
