Rantings of the Sleep Deprived (and Yes, it's FRIDAY! Yoooohoooo!)
Today's my brother's 18th birthday. If I had planned better, I might've been home by now, celebrating it with him (and eating my mom's cooking...*melts w/ anguish that that isn't so...*). But anyway, I'll wish him Happy birthday over the phone or something.^_^ I remember when I turned 18....scary things...didn't happen. At all. I was like, "That's it? What was the big deal?" Then again, I'm not exactly the most exciting person out there, so I didn't go out and do wild stuff just because I was 18. I'm gonna be 20 soon, and I'm STILL not doing wild stuff. *sigh...*
I feel productive. Except for the fact that I skipped out on Stats lecture today, I was pretty productive (and it's barely noon!^_^). I finally sat down and had a down and dirty fistfight with Photoshop, with the result that I finally finished the two counter hit request pics that I was behind on. One more to go!^_^. This latest one is for Thea-san...We never DID decide on which one of the two options to do...One of them is for her original character, and the other one is for the kiss scene in Inversed.^_^;;; Oiii....I have NO idea which one...though I can imagine that drawing the kiss would be much harder because it involves not only TWO characters, but them interacting. Interaction's hard.
And actually, that's all I did.^_^ Unless you count all the homework that I got done, it really isn't much, is it..? Oroooo....So much for being productive!^^;
Okie...I'm going to go catch up on some sleep now. I've been sleeping very little for this past week, and considering how lazy I am, that is a bad thing^_^
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