Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Betw classes

'ello there. I'm between classes now so I must type fast^^. Hmm, nothing new going on, except that i'm hungry, and I didn't get to go to J-town last sunday...did get good food at Aunt's place tho^^;.

I hate stats, still, nothing is happening to change that opinion. I did fine on my japanese test last friday(the one I mentioned in the previous entry), it's actually the highest score that I've gotten so far.

Fics and art feel dead as of right inspiration^^;

Hmm, daylight saving's time is over and I think I'm adjusted, but I'm sleepy because I spent an hour doing online banking (I forgot my password, sign-in ID, etc) and went to bed an hour later than usual.@_@. I hope it worked, even tho that would mean I'm minus $200 in the bank account.@_@. Ugh, spent too much money on sushi and anime. Gonna tighten that belt! no more splurges! I will control my flow of money!^^;

Ugh, tired.......and my leg hurts for some odd reason. i already skipped a day of PE for it...probably won't today tho. I've got so many emails to catch up on!^^; I'm terrible at replying on-time now. I used to do the emails the same day, but now...-_-;;; Now I'm lazy and busy and that's the worst of combinations...@_@

Ok, that's the five minute update on my life^^; I don't think anyone's actually interested, but I figured i would put it up, if nothing else, I can read it later and laugh at my own whininess^_^ Is that even a word? Ah, a question for the ages...

Going now. class in 20 min, so maybe I'll make another posty about the plot bunnies in my head if they'll stay still long enough for me to organize them...

The end--Majo-chan


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