Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Tis truly the New year now...
Horrifically disappointing. Should've stayed in CA. -_-;


Happy New Year!

Ok, not QUITE's 6:52 pm EST. I'm in Toronto, Canada with my uncle and cousins and grandma...Going to be here for a whole week.

Travel was pretty tiring, but thankfully nothing was delayed. I did pick to wear the wrong shoes to wear new high-heeled boots were kinda starting to kill my feet.

Happy new years to everyone. Resolutions? For me? Hmm...I think I'd probably not end up keeping them...

Well, I resolve to be more healthy, do more exercise. Be more decisive because most of the time it's a good thing to see both sides of the issue, but bad to sit on the fence. Also to draw and write as much as possible, and to get better at it.^_^

That's about it, I suppose. ...Happy new year again. 2003 was a pretty darn fun year...


Sunday, December 28, 2003

Random stuff...

feeling slightly better now, after two hours with friends and boba beside me...But then again, I told myself I wouldn't get any...

Oh, well.^_^; I feel headachy again, and tired...I don't know if it's my cold or something...I don't even know if I have a cold, or it's something else...Gee, I don't think that made sense.

Anyway, yeah. Been doing various manga-fying of stuff, writing small things...Going to Canada in a few days for a week. I hope that the flight won't be delayed...

Ok, enough...Laters.


Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Done List
Tis morning...or afternoon, whatever. I just got up.^_^; So the list is short.

1. Completed/updated the inked Slayers Fanart page on Ainself.
2. Re-sheeted the bed.
3. Removed old colored art from the Misc. Page.
4. Removed Slayers art from Brinkster.
5. Washed dishes
6. cleaned room
7. Took in the trash (as opposed to taking it out...)
8. Cleaned containers
9. Put stuff away...

Tiring...@_@ And my fingers and toes are freezing...gads, this is the way I am in California...I'm SO dead once we go to Canada...@_@

More to come! Merry Christmas Eve!


To Do list
Majo's Cauldron:
1. Fanart Usage Policy page.
2. Make html page for the fanart galleries.
a. Slayers Fanart inked (DONE)
b. Slayers fanart, pencil
c. Other fanart.
3. Remake Arcanum and Arcanum SR galleries.
4. Make the misc. original galleries.
5. For the sake of my eyes, make the index less gadawful.

Misc. Page:
1. Remove redundant art. (DONE for colored Slayers Art)
2. Update Links.
3. Random Bish Project?

Brinkster Site:
1. Remove Slayers fanart (redundent) (DONE)
2. More manga scans?

Dishes (DONE)
scrub stove

Art: Christmas manga project
Character sketchs for outfits

Yegads...that's pretty long...


Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Since I know I'll forget later...

Is it just me, or is DA being spazzy again...?

I guess it doesn't really matter. Anyway. since I know I'll almost for sure forget it when the time comes, I'll wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year right now!^_^

Thanks to all who are even reading this blog, keeping up with my stuff. Extra kudos for you guys that actually email me.^_^ I hope you get lots of presents and good-will during the holidays and for the next year too!^^

The Christmas manga project 2003 is getting started...I have one short done (only 2 pages, TRULY very short.^_^; ) and have about two others in the planning stages...should really start the pre-paneling...

Will probably post when the 'challenge' part is over.^_^; I think Yayoi's gonna beat me in the length department tho...

I got a B+ in math, did I mention that? I seriously thought I'd fail...So that's a good present to have. My GPA might not suffer TOO badly...^_^;

Once again, happy holidays.


*p.s. This has been edited from the DA journal post (which may or may not go up, since DA is once again, spazzing as previously mentioned), so in case anyone actually bothers to read both, you are not hallucinating, they ARE practically the same thing.^_^;

Sunday, December 21, 2003


Actually, been home for about two days now. Doing some cleaning, some writing, gearing up to do some art. I hope to kidnap Yanagi-san to have an art-drawing session, for it seems like I'll need some ass kicking to get started...

And need to brainstorm ideas for the manga project!

But first things first...need food.^_^;;;

I GOT A B+ IN MATH!!! I thought I would fail! *is happy*. On the other hand, I don't know what I got for accounting yet...I hope I get an A *frown*. It's one of those classes where the average is always too damn high...

Ok, I goes now...


Friday, December 19, 2003

For those who might care...
Going home today...that means 5-6 hours in the car, doing nothing. But first, need to shower and pack...and I've been sitting on my lazy ass for too long..@_@

Tis about 10AM PST,...dunno when we're leaving, but probably no later than noon...that's the announcement for the day.


Thursday, December 18, 2003

I just spilled grapefruit juice all over a bunch of sketchs, my Witch Hunter Robin CDs, and my check for rent.

I cleaned the CDs and hope they still work. The GetBackers ones were wrapped up and on top of a roll of tape so they're safe...The sketches I tossed, at least they weren't important or good sketchs, and I rewrote the check.

*shakes fist* So take that, grapefruit juice!


On the State of Majo
Cleaning: 85% Done (still need to bring some collective cleaning action against the mess that is the kitchen).

Packing: 0%, but not a big problem.

Errands: Mostly done.

Art: Nothing spectacular. All that are worth posting are already posted on the sketchblog.

Mood: Apathetic.

At least, not really in pain. Considering just going to bed though...

I really should pack.


Show up, dammit!-Majo **EDIT** So NOW blogger decides to work...*SIGH* Oh, well, such is life.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Here be rant
*let us see if this will be posted this time, or if Blogger will continue to be annoying*

You'd figure that after finals are done and over with, life would be happy happy joy joy, right?


My time of the month decided that NOW was the time of the month it wants to come! I'm sure I'm suffering less than some of the other women out there, but damn, the fact is not very comforting. I'm fighting the urge to just go to bed. It'd be a night of potential productivity wasted, and I wanted to do something fun with my free time instead of sleeping it away.

Because of this stupid period, I missed ice cream for the THIRD time this past month. We (my roommate and brother and I) usually go out to ice cream on the way back from eating dinner (out, which is not good, I might add, seeing as how it's a drain on the finances, but no one wants to cook this close to the end of the apartment stay...), and today I ALMOST gave in and bought ice cream along with them...but no, there were warning twinges coming from my stomach and I refrained. And I shudder to think that the pain I'm experiencing now is the toned down, non-aggrevated-by-cold-foods version.

I'm going home in two days, where I'll be going on a diet in preparation for our trip to Toronto, where the combination of the holidays and relatives will make it impossible to not overeat every fricking meal of the day, except maybe breakfast, because I intend to sleep through as often as possible. Gads. No ice cream at home to make up for the stuff I'm missing here. Damn.

Another thing, since I'm ranting, what IS with the stupid art thieves?? They're fricking EVERYWHERE. I reported one to DA a few days ago and they've STILL not gotten around to taking down the pictures! I thank GOD, if there is a god, or whatever deity out there that it wasn't my picture that was stolen, because otherwise I would be a lot less calm than this.

Normally, I think flames are stupid. They don't address the issue at hand, focusing instead on childish attacks on the other person that have nothing to do with anything. It's frankly mind-numbingly dumb. The sad part is, I don't mind seeing art thieves getting flamed. The SADDER part is, I think the one art thief that got flamed was too stupid to understand even WHY he was being flamed. What part of "DO NOT STEAL OTHER PEOPLE'S PICTURES" does he (And a multitude of other art thieves) NOT understand?

*pant pant*

Okay...I guess being in pain REALLY doesn't help my mood any...Must think happy things....<-sounds like Peter Pan...

On the other a lot of cleaning done in my room, ran assorted errands, edited 10 page user manual for my dad (and sadly, I was glad to be of service. My parents are the most fricking awesome ones in the entire world), chewed over ideas with Yayoi for our grand Christmas manga project...

I still need to buy presents for friends...pack, clean the outer areas of the apartment (the duties have been divided up among us three, more or less evenly...), and various last minute stuff.

Another rant. Why does everyone feel the need to abuse the english language? That applies to mindless use of netspeak, slang, leet or whatever that's spelled, and so many swear words. I mean, some people call it an 'evolution' of the language. I say it'd probably be more accurately called a 'de-evolution', then. The point of writing is to COMMUNICATE. There is no communication if the other side can't read what you're writing, and the point of writing is to make it easy for the READER. So that they can UNDERSTAND you. Writing is hard for the writer so it's EASY for the reader, get it?

*pant pant*

I got a perfectly civil and well worded email from a slayers fan who wanted to use my fanart. She was NOT a native speaker of english, and she had better grammer and spelling than a lot of people I know. I think her grammer was better than MINE.

Gads, and I was a ball of pure happiness same time last night.-_-;

Pain, it does things to you. Maybe I'll go inflict some on some original characters...


Tuesday, December 16, 2003


*topples over and passes out for a few hours*

Monday, December 15, 2003


*majo hangs on by her fingernails!*

Will post more after it's done.


Sunday, December 14, 2003

Random policy rant: fanart

"Can I use your fanart?" This seems to be the most popular question to ask Majo, lately...

Since I bothered making a journal on LJ (probably my last), I shalt post it here too for the masses...*haha*

If you're interested, this is my policy:

I don't mind people using my fanart, as long as they ask first. And give me credit. Giving me credit involves three things, name, email and site address. That should be clearly visible wherever the picture is being viewed. This goes for layouts, gallery archives, etc.

The same for icons and banners...

But first and foremost, I would really appreciate being notified with an email, and ESPECIALLY with a link to where the art is being used. This is important because otherwise, I get people telling me that my art is being plagerized, and that sends me up in flames very quickly. A little email would resolve all of that misunderstanding before it happens, and is common courtesy anyway.

And as the art is Fanart, no profit is being made by me and I make no claims to the characters. Neither should the person using my fanart, m'kay? <-gads, I'm starting to sound like my brother...

My policy on using original art? Um, unless you happen to be my best friend or co-writer...most likely the answer will be no. And I'm going to stop there before I start tacking on conditionalities that I might regret later.

Thus ends my policy rant.

*EDIT* Now, if I had DRAWN the art FOR you (and believe me, you'd know if that was the case), then you are free to do whatever you want to do with it. Color it, burn it, grafitti it, whatever. I merely reserve the right to keep the original copy.

*Double Edit* While this is called a rant, so far everyone seems to have the common decency to ASK first, which means that I'm not mad or irritated, in fact, I am very flattered to be asked, I'm merely ranting to remind myself to get a policy page up so that I won't have to repeat this to everyone who asks. (And that's not a terribly big number, I'm just really lazy.)

Yeah. And while I'm at it, I should put something up for commissions too. And make the main page less gad-ugly. Or at least, not so blank..@_@

Tis 2:16 am...not a time to make sense, it seems.

Today: got no work done whatsoever. Went to J-town and ate, but didn't buy anything that wasn't food. Kinda disappointed...but anyway. I hope I'm not coming down with a cold..@_@


Saturday, December 13, 2003

Oh, no! not another one!!
I can't believe it either..@_@ But I got a livejournal. But that doesn't mean I'm going to be giving up on this blog! I had this for, like, forever!>_<

Actually, I got the LJ to make a sketchblog with Yayoi.^^; So for that purpose, The Witchspring Sketchblog is born!

I scare myself, honestly...

So I'll be linking images and posting them here and on DA, most likely. The sketchblog will probably have everything while DA will get the better ones.

And that's all for now! Back to cramming...

Majo the lean, mean, cramming machine.

Friday, December 12, 2003

First final...complete!@_@
Also got the script for comments...Please leave comments if you're reading this! ^_^ It's easy! just click on the button...

Also, in honor of starting finals...

Ack! Cramped!
Because the box IS getting smaller...getting squished...


*EDIT* Wow, I've had this blog for over two years now!! Amazing, Majo actually kept something up for that long??

ARGH! Must go back to making cheat sheet and studying!>_<

I'm gonna fail this math final...well, 2 out of 3 isn't bad..-_-;

Thursday, December 11, 2003

In honor of finals...not
Had to doodle this. I wish I was half as relaxed as he is...

Chibi demon lords and tea

This is also an attempt to actually post piccies instead of just links...I guess this one worked cuz it was small.^_^;


Monday, December 08, 2003

And here's one more...
Another pic of Kid-Gen...cuz he's too cute. But this one's a bit more, right.

4th? attempt to draw a kid.

It's bigger than the other ones...3-4 inches tall? Done on my econ handout because there was that big 1/4 page of blankness, begging to be drawn on...


Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Beware of children

Like those Beware of Dog signs...

Zane: He was a serious little kid...
Ashura: Looking more and more like Chloe...
Gen: If he's any cuter I'd die from overdose...

Gen turned out the best, methinks. Still trying to draw them kiddies better!


Random ramblings..

It seems kind of unfair that I would write an entry in my DA account but not I'm writing one here too!^^;

Tho of course, there's not much to write about...let's see...

Vacation to China/Taiwan cancelled. Might still go to canada to see Grandma, or NJ to see Lucy? not sure yet...

Two finals on the same day, both of my hardest classes...saa, at least the econ one will be at an (obscenely) early time so I get time in between to study for the killer math one...

Ha, who am I kidding? I'm not going to be able to study, I'm going to be so brain fried...

The problem is the econ class really isn't hard, so everyone else would be getting really high scores..@_@

*sigh* I suppose I shouldn't worry about it.

Winter break plans include vegetating, drawing lots of stuff, reading, drinking hot drinks, hanging out with friends (I still have a lot of my high school friends...awesomeness)...oh, can't forget writing..^^;

I need to do math, but I don't WANT to do math, and I've somehow succeeded in fragmenting my wednesday schedule even more...tho come to think of it, it's kinda pointless since it's the last wednesday with classes...

Next wednesday I'd be hyperventilating and trying to study for two finals at the same time. Oh, joy...I so look forward to it.@_@

I really wish our GSI wasn't a spaz and didn't have advisor troubles so he'd pay more attention to us. Then again, his sections did the best on the midterms, I'm just the only one that don't get it, I guess...*sigh*

Gah, now I'm starting to feel sorry for myself, I'm gonna stop!>_<

Still trying to decide if I want to do the senior honors's going to be PAIN..Unless i drop a lot of other classes...@_@

I mean, I don't NEED those other classes...

Gah. I'll think about it later.

I want a cat@_@.
