Random policy rant: fanart
"Can I use your fanart?" This seems to be the most popular question to ask Majo, lately...
Since I bothered making a journal on LJ (probably my last), I shalt post it here too for the masses...*haha*
If you're interested, this is my policy:
I don't mind people using my fanart, as long as they ask first. And give me credit. Giving me credit involves three things, name, email and site address. That should be clearly visible wherever the picture is being viewed. This goes for layouts, gallery archives, etc.
The same for icons and banners...
But first and foremost, I would really appreciate being notified with an email, and ESPECIALLY with a link to where the art is being used. This is important because otherwise, I get people telling me that my art is being plagerized, and that sends me up in flames very quickly. A little email would resolve all of that misunderstanding before it happens, and is common courtesy anyway.
And as the art is Fanart, no profit is being made by me and I make no claims to the characters. Neither should the person using my fanart, m'kay? <-gads, I'm starting to sound like my brother...
My policy on using original art? Um, unless you happen to be my best friend or co-writer...most likely the answer will be no. And I'm going to stop there before I start tacking on conditionalities that I might regret later.
Thus ends my policy rant.
*EDIT* Now, if I had DRAWN the art FOR you (and believe me, you'd know if that was the case), then you are free to do whatever you want to do with it. Color it, burn it, grafitti it, whatever. I merely reserve the right to keep the original copy.
*Double Edit* While this is called a rant, so far everyone seems to have the common decency to ASK first, which means that I'm not mad or irritated, in fact, I am very flattered to be asked, I'm merely ranting to remind myself to get a policy page up so that I won't have to repeat this to everyone who asks. (And that's not a terribly big number, I'm just really lazy.)
Yeah. And while I'm at it, I should put something up for commissions too. And make the main page less gad-ugly. Or at least, not so blank..@_@
Tis 2:16 am...not a time to make sense, it seems.
Today: got no work done whatsoever. Went to J-town and ate, but didn't buy anything that wasn't food. Kinda disappointed...but anyway. I hope I'm not coming down with a cold..@_@
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