Some OC survey going around.....
1. Have you created any Original Characters?
Yes. I tried to not do it, really...
2. That weren't intended for a fanfic?
Yes. It used to be that OCs for fics outnumber the OCs for my own original stuff...but now....
3. How many characters do you have?
A handful...a lot or a little depends on what you're comparing the number against, and if you're counting co-owned original characters.
4. Any favorites?
Currently Zach and Kenken are at the top of the list for the guys, Ashura and Frances for the gals. Malaren, Sarah and Angel used to be favorites too....
5. Any that you can relate to?
Since I created most of them, all of them have a bit of me in them. So I can related to Zach's sweet tooth, his laziness and fondness for sleep, Frances's occasional bouts of apathy and desire to be antisocial, and Kenken's myriad of insecurities, etc.^_^
6. Any that you would like to *be*?
Not that I can think off at the top of my head....Most of my characters come with a fair amount of baggage that usually averages to be worse than my current lot in life^_^;
7. Do you remember what the first fictional character you ever created was?
That would probably be Malaren, or maybe Thyn or Sarah. First real male character is Zach, though character design fluctuated insanely...
8. Nicest of your original characters?
A toss-up between Zach and Kenken, my girls tend to be rather strong-willed/fiery. On second thought, probably Kenken.
9. Evillest character?
Probably Hydra or Kain...One is intent on becoming the ruler of all things and universes, even if she has to destroy everything for it, and the second is a sadistic, twisted man who wanted to become the next god of Destruction...^_^;
10. Weirdest character?
Kenken currently, maybe Atari from wayyyyy back.^^; Kenken is a mathematician turned Knight-priest with many many insecurities, self-esteem issues, and wacky travel companions. Atari is a shapeshifter who's entirely too cute and too ditzy for the job of right-hand hench(wo)men to Hydra...Come to think of it, Hikari was pretty weird too...
11. Most annoying?
Melena from Inversed, crazy dragon ladies are annoying (Filia: hey!). For real OCs...hmm, well, I suppose Jenna is annoying..^^;
12. Sexiest character?
..o_0; Well, Malaren was sexy in that dark and dangerous way. Fran too...Zach would take first prize for a sexy guy, tho he wouldn't know he's sexy even if the fact came up to him and hit him over the head...
13. Strangest backstory?
Kenken, hands down.
14. Biggest plot twist attached?
I'll get back to this one after I actually WRITE some of these down....
15. Do you prefer to make up villains or heros?
I prefer to make up anti-heros and anti-villains.
16. Speaking of which, do you have a favorite hero from your original characters?
Zach maybe. Kenken is a hero though he's not a very good one.^^;
17. Favorite villain?
Hydra and Malaren comes to mind. As does that person who Sarah was backtalking in Hell...never DID name him...
18. Do you ever associate songs with any of your characters?
Always and forever.^_^ Too many to list.
19. Any character that you'd like to write a whole story about?
I am sort of writing about all of them, but none in particular at the time. I think Ashura would be fun to write for though.
20. And finally, has anyone else created an original character that you really, really like?
Jen's Bobby comes to mind, as does Yayoi's Thanatos. I'm fond of the entire cast of Kenken's story, and that includes Mimi and Hank and Olaf.^_^
More incoherence...
Ramblings, thoughts, fiction ideas, whatever.
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