Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Yet another tuesday

*blinkblink* It's tuesday already?^_^ Wow...Heh, well, I suppose I lost track of time because I had a decent Monday, for a change. All seems to be going moderately well, although I'm tired. Can't tell if that was because of the tea I drank at dinner, or because of the stupid construction people starting to set up at around 5am...Wait, I think I woke up around 2am...@_@.

School is going good. Actually DID homework on time...but that means less time to draw. Still in the process of CGing the pic for dray, progress is slllloooooowwwwww because I can't ever find nice and large chunks of time to sit down and color. Had midterm this monday that was really easy...hw due today ALL done before today^^; That's a new record for me, in case anyone wants to know...

Oh, that's right...found Original Characters survey on Jen-sama's LJ...I took it too, but posted it on the wrong blog...will remedy that now.




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