Every once in a while...
Every once in a while don't you just feel like waxing poetic? Maybe it doesn't have to be when you're happy, or when you're sad or feeling anything in particular, but you just want to say something with a bit more meaning than the usual nonsense babble of the everyday. Let me say up front that all of you reading this should be VERY happy that I got the urge out of my system about two nights ago, by writing a severely strange(well, maybe not) and rather angst ridden short fragment in my other blog, so I won't be getting TOO deeply introspective and verbose on ya all...
See, i found the livejournal of a friend of mine a few days ago, and was deeply impressed by her posts.^_^; Because I know that I'm NOT someone who writes like that...*sigh* Sometimes I read back and I wonder at how trivial everything sounds. Granted, I did not start this blog to pour out my heart and soul (and as Zach would put it, deep dark, dirty secrets), so maybe it has to be a bit trivial.^_^; But it sure doesn't do anything for my poor writing style. *sigh*
Onto other news...Someone (my esteemed mother^_^) pointed out my rather strong tendency to distance myself from reality.^_^ So I'm trying to get 'closer' so to speak...spend more time finding out what's happening out there rather than contently doing things in my own head. And of course I knew the world wasn't always a nice place...but today I found out something fun. See, every year (at least the three years I've been here on campus) there's a time of the year when the grass knolls on the south-east side of campus, near College Avenue and the fountain, would suddenly sprout swan/duck/geese looking things. No, not REAL live ones, but it always looked like an art project of some sort.^_^ Bird-like forms from every possible material, I saw some made from the disposible silverwear, feathers, foils, paper, cardboard, campus maps, cups, pins, paper clips, etc. It was always really interesting to see. This year I was tempted to take a picture but picked up a flier instead. Turns out that (whether it was intentional or just a benign coincidence...probably intentional^_^) the birds depicted are the Black-Faced Spoonbill (Platalea Minor) --I'm reading this off a phamphlet here so don't think I'm a biologist or something^_^. It's to promote the preservation of their natural habitat, which is in southern Taiwan, where i'm from. Hm, talk about learning interesting new things.^_^
And weather here has been really hot as of the past few days.^_^; I need to do laundry so that I have short sleeved shirts to wear...all the clothes I have left are the heavy winter clothes. Yesterday I was dead most of the day because of the heat, and only revived once it was around 11pm, and everything was relatively cooler. My muse then proceeded to bombard me with random whims, which resulted in the neglect of my homework.^_^; Fortunately the night wasn't a COMPLETE waste...well, it was in regards to school, except maybe japanese....But I got a picture done and uploaded, but I'm too lazy to dig up the link now.^_^ Will link later.
Other, other news...I might be moving to ainself.net, the site that Ryo-san, Elf-san, Imbrii-san, Irony-san, Kelly-san and Steph-san all currently share. The price is really great, and I'll get 100mbs, which should be enough for awhile.^_^ We'll see.
And I think I'll wrap up here for today, before I start waxing poetic some more.^_^ Ja!
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