I don't know what's wrong with the text...
I hope that doesn't mean that I'll have to change the template again...
Listening to Original Sin by Elton John obsessively, musing on how scarily well it fits...Also feeling grateful to the women's handball team captain. Angela loaned me a wireless network card AND got it to work...;_; So I can blog and look up the problem set solutions for my midterm while I'm staying over at her place with a few others of the team while we wait to go to the airport tomorrow morning...
Kinda nervous, kinda tired. Studying, sort of, and trying to work up the energy to make the cheat sheet we're allowed to have. The midterm today wasn't that bad (econ history was today from 3:30-5), I think I did pretty well. I hope I did^_^; I am also less worried about the one for econometrics, because the GSI said that he'd seen it and it wasn't that bad at all. Since he's not one of those GSIs that no one can understand and is a super genius who thinks EVERYTHING is easy, I feel muchly relieved.^_^
Something smells like cookies....everyone else is watching TV and eating, while I'm here pouring over my econ book. Sad, ne?^^; Perhaps the good ol' captain was feeling sorry for me....
Ack, went to watch part of a movie and eat cookies....forgot to post this^^; Going now, more studying
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