Friday, January 24, 2003

Yare yare....

The first month of the new year is almost over...Chinese New Years coming up...still need to make greeting cards.@_@ Feeling tired and restless, but did do a lot of cleaning of it's actually very nice to be in it right now, but of course my desk is still messy^_^;

Didn't do much picture-drawing over the break, mostly wrote like mad. Now that classes have started I would guess the ratio of drawing to writing would be back to normal again...usually I write more at home, for some odd reason^_^. What I did draw can be found on the site...have fun wading^_^;

Vacation was fun. Went to Michigan to visit some relatives, and damn it's cold there! Californians are spoiled rotten, weather-wise, at least I know I am.^_^; We went to the auto museum and then the auto convention. Lots and lots and lots of cars.^_^; Would've been even MORE fun if I loved cars, or if they were displaying art or anime.^_^;

School this semester seems okay so far. Two econ classes again, as well as japanese. And I'm taking Hankido/self-defense!^_^; The first real day of instruction...oh, boy. That was definite proof that I am just horridly out of shape. Japanese is fast paced, as usual, and I still need my textbooks for the econ classes. No pain yet, but I have a feeling it's coming up...

Not much done on the art to post (that I'm comfortable with posting, anyway^_^;), and the writing I've been doing lately is all original stuff, which I'm leery of posting in any case. I'm just weird like that...

Anything else? I guess not...there goes the snapshot of my life, currently^_^;


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