I learned something new today. You see, I've always believed that chopsticks almost made the perfect universal utensil.^_^ Up till now I thought it can be used to eat practically anything, except maybe soup and steak. But today....I had sushi for make-up-lunch and yogurt...but I didn't have a spoon for the yogurt. So chopsticks can't be used to eat yogurt either. (not that I actually TRIED...would've probably gotten it all over myself...)
What else? Oh, not much at all...Did a piccie of Kyou and Kagura from FB....Gonna link it later after it gets on the other server so that Angelfire's roadblocks won't be a problem. Must do homework....actually DID homework, finished it, even. Just me and my anal retentive way of doing things dictate that I must now finalize/neaten about 10 pages worth of scratch work into the final product that I'll turn in to get a whopping check minus, check, or check plus on. *Sigh* Sometimes it ain't easy being me.
Muse is still gone, though the slack is now being taken up by the random original characters I have floating in my head. I think I'm just going to keep nodding and smiling, and pretend I don't hear them talking.
Room needs to be cleaned, but I'm still waiting for the sudden and irresistable urge to hit me before I actually do anything, because otherwise I'll just get distracted. I am already distracted, actually...
Is there anything else to day? I feel strange because during the day I see so many things and think so many strange thoughts that I want to put down in writing somewhere...and by the time I get back I forgot it all^_^; Iyaa......
AHHHHH! KANJI QUIZ TOMORROW!@_@ That's what I forgot...^^;
study now...ja.
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