Sunday, November 03, 2002



I'm cranky from having drank two cans of coke and coming down from the inevitable caffine high. I did my japanese homework but I couldn't finish it. I started my econ homework and can't even get past problem one. The net was, pardon my language, seriously fucked up today.-_-; I wish I had a 'tired AND angry' icon...

Anyhow, still indecisive over everything. Everything still is, more or less, blah. Muse is dead...or at least, AWOL, which means it's quiet inside my head, and my attempts to relieve pent up frustration with drawing doesn't work, period. Gee, I'm bitching, aren't I?^^; These will be linked from, which is where I'm in the process of making an archive for all my old goodies.Here's to hoping them linkies WORK...

Summer school uniforms


Haru again, colored

*crosses fingers* here's to hoping no roadblocks or other ker-plunks...

Will go now to check. Ja.



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