Thursday, October 24, 2002

Midway to the end...

Midterm finished.@_@. Don't know how I did on it, though the first question was on the Stackleburg leader game (a spin-off/variation of the Cournot game) and my OTHER econ teacher covered that this tuesday in lecture. >XD. Ha, I was happy because I knew how to DO it, yeah! I SHOULD, after getting three classes hammering Cournot and Stackleburg in my head...The other two questions were more iffy...but oh, well.^_^ I'm just glad it's over with.

And now the presentation this afternoon is the only major thing left for today. Tomorrow is the japanese written quiz (a test, basically), and I need to study for that as soon as I'm done with other stuff...@_@

Good news...I CAN take Handball and self-defense...the max for PE classes is 2 per semester, it's just that I can't sign up for more than one during the first round of registrations. ^_^ Me happy! I need more exercise, that's for sure...@_@

Now that the pressure is easing off for a bit my muse is being louder than usual. I'm ignoring her for now, she was the one that caused me to not study at all last night.-_-; Or was that just myself? Someday I might write up how things work in my head. Mainly, my muse lounging around in my brainspace if she's not locked up in the closet, bugging characters when/if she has a story. And if they agree, I end up getting called over to do everything.-_-;

I want to color something, really, really badly...-_-; But no piccies to color, none good enough to ink. Eventually I will get my act together...yeah, right.-_-;

Thinking about website now...^_^. Will probably start the heavy-duty work (ie final organization, uploading, making the pages, etc) after Friday. The angelfire Miscellaneous site might be converted to an update/newest-uploads site, since it is so much easier to upload stuff from there, especially if I'm posting from an outside computer with no FTP program...

Going to go now. Typing up more stuff for my presentation on mental illnesses. VERY interesting stuff, despite the fact that my muse wouldn't stop trying to diagnose my OCs with various mental illnesses...-_-;




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