Checking in.....
japanese hw: 90% done (no composition required this week, thank KAMI-sama....)
econ precis: 40-50% done (Still have to do a bit of write up and hope desperately that the prof is taking Time Magazine articles for sources)
econ 110 studying: 1% done (, started rereading the notes?)
So all in all....this weekend's productivity grade is......a big fat C-.^_^; End of announcement....
In other news: Went shopping on saturday, got lots of drinks. Insanity continues to abound for some of my randombishes that I've thrown to the wolves (ie: the people in chat). Um.....worrying about homework but the midterm panic hasn't set in yet. Probably will do so soon though, I don't look forward to it. Contemplating entering the National Novel Writing Month event, 50,000 words would be hard but it'd be a kick in the butt in the right direction...And I might be less busy come November. Then again, I need November to do my Econ research paper...-_-; Baka Majo
that's it for now. Soon to go eat dinner, then finish up precis....^_^;;;; Ja
More incoherence...
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