Saturday, May 18, 2002

ramblings of the nonsensical variety

Yeha...ramblings. Don't expect spelling to be precise either...@_@. What's there to ramble about? Oh...right....we can start with art, then go on to fics, then go on to RPing, whatever.

I have just gotten one of the harder requests for art that I've had in awhile^_^;. Thea-san finally decided that as much as she would like to see me try drawing her OC, she'd rather see the OTHER option more....The other option being, the kiss scene from Slayers Inversed (betw Xelloss and Filia). How in the world am I going to draw it?^_^;;; I have TRIED drawing ppl kissing before! It just doesn't WORK at my skill level!^^;;;; Just thinking about it makes me want to cry in'll be SO hard...but I must do it!^^; Yeees...I promised a pic and I shall do it...

Yeah, whatever^^ All I can pray is that it doesn't turn out TOO bad...@_@

Fics wise, nothing much going on. Well, my muse decided to give me a plot for Falling From Grace, the X/F AU that i thought had died...but it didn't, obviously. And now it's got a plot, simply because my muse decided so...oi, if only she was so dilligent about working with Inversed...@_@. So now I have a plot for a story that's in 1st person POV...which is hard to write after getting used to 27+ chapters of third person...Ugh...all I'm doing is complaining, eh?^^;;;;

RP...I already got over the RP...Had to kill poor Lina off, but it seems like the WHOLE RP has stopped (Jen-sama's right...her record for starting and ending RPs is starting to not look all that great^^;) due to some little spats going on...I think we're riding it out right now. *shrug* I have been more deeply mired in finals than I care to be, so it didn't really affect me. So the old RP will rest for a bit while ppl calm down and get the despire to RP back...

The new RP, tho, hasn't started yet^^;. It's probably gonna be one for Inuyasha, and since it'll be the first for the group, we're thinking about playing it 'fast and loose' so to speak...basically not very plot oriented, and VERY loose, scheduling-wise, since everyone'll have their own things to do over the summer. I'll be playing Miroku, most likely (I've only played Miroku so far...but I'm willing to try other stuff^^) or maybe Fluffkins. Actually my only claim to Fluffy is that he can come and go as he pleases, and since i'll be on a crappy modem, I might need to come and go rather randomly...^^; But Jen-sama's been asked to do Fluffy if it pleases her....we'll work it out (she'd make an awesome fluffy...not sure about how in-character she'd be, but it'd be cool!^^)

Enoughhhh! Majo will sleep now! Sleep!


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