Sunday, November 30, 2003

Back to school

Thankfully only for three more weeks...


Inspired by Clamp's X vol 17-18. Shiva reading in bed, looking relaxed for a change. I know the pillows/bed look terrible, and that his robes got all funky near the end...but I wasn't exactly trying for a masterpiece, so...

Just trying to convey the mood of relaxation. I have a feeling I'm going to need it later...


Thursday, November 27, 2003

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Things to be thankful for:

Great parents, great friends, good food and vacation...

Having the things I need, being happy with the things I have.

No turkey for me to mess up trying to cook it.^_^;


We have so many drinks in the house...soda, juice, more soda, a bit of beer, a bit of wine...and we have tons of snacks, but no proper food. I wonder if I'll be going out to other peoples' thanksgiving dinners tonight?

We'll see, I guess...


Tuesday, November 18, 2003

This picture makes me sad, strangely...

The Dancers

She is fortunate. He loves her and they will probably be together forever.

She is unfortunate. He loves her like the little sister he never had, and she will never tell him how she really feels about him.

Because it would bother him to know. Because for her, it's enough that he's happy.


Selfless people like makes my heart hurt in sympathy.


Edit::The design and clothes for the girl is from Yayoi KH, copyrighted to her and all that lovely goodness...The guy is mine, to torture as I, I meant, I use him wisely to further the plot. Really.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Weird dreams (and also mini life update)

Had a bunch of weird dreams for the past two days, I wonder if it's what I've been eating before bed (odd stuff that i don't usually have. Seseme rice balls and ...drat, can't remember. Might've been Chai tea...). Usually I'm out like a light, or have fun anime adventure dreams (Had a whole dream of a really awesome new Slayers series *the WHOLE series*)...

Anyway..the one on Thursday was the strange one. I dreamt that I was in an auditorium/movie theatre type place (not as odd as it sounds, the Pacific Film Archive is kind of like that, and I've had classes in there...comfy seats, dim lighting, good air conditioning...made not sleeping in class very difficult) and apparently the people there were voting for...the president of the student government. Huh. Go figure...And when the count was tallied and the results revealed...The winner was Majo!

Seriously, I was like (in the dream) "when did I even run for this position??" And the name was 'Majo', not my real name, so that's even stranger, in retrospect.

So I went on stage and made a speech, which got me boo-ed (I started off pretty well...but apparently no one liked my part about working hard to make things, go figure). It was kinda depressing...

In fact, I'm starting to wonder if that'd edge out of the category of 'weird' and into the category of 'nightmare'.

I was also using my umbrella as a microphone (and it worked fine)...Ahh, gotta love dream dynamics.

And then I woke up and was like "That was...very strange." Especially considering I'd NEVER run for something like president of a student government. I'm not THAT masochistic...^_^;

The second one from last night was kind of weird too. I can't remember details but it started off with my mom and I I hate shopping. But I was walking in front of her and a simple clothing store turned into this giant mall and my mom disappeared when we reached the escalators and became the RA for my dorms last year instead. I can't remember the rest of it, but something pink was involved...

Gotta stop eating strange things before bed.^_^;;

In other news, the 60 packets of apple cider are suffering severe losses from the Majo-attack...I average 4-5 a day, so that doesn't bode well for making the box last...Got my prospectus back this morning (the draft, anyway) and have to think about it some more, because the prof thinks it'd be better to change the angle and make it a model on decision making. Will have to dig up that article that some accomplished economist wrote about this topic and see what happens...

Did my reading for my policy brief for developmental econ. It was on economics and civil wars...very depressing stuff. Will need to write a short paper on that soon...maybe today if I have time.

Handball tournament this weekend. I can't believe it but apparently since the women's team captain graduated last year, I'm now the highest ranked female player on the team. That sounds nice, but we only have, what?, 4 girls? *sweatdrop* And here I've barely crawled out of the novice division...

Ah, well. Will do my best anyway, and hope for the best too.

MIDTERMS ARE OVER! Now there are only finals...@_@ *looks down* Oops, I've mentioned that already.

Have to plan trip to China and Taiwan for winter break...@_@

Ok...going to stop writing nonsensical journal entries and ...I don't know, do something else till class starts.^_^;


Wednesday, November 12, 2003

I should be doing my homework...@_@

Homework due on Thurs, homework due on Friday, have to work on prospectus revision, handball tournament over the weekend (maa, I kinda got myself into that one...) least there are no more midterms, only finals...

I'm not sure that's a good thing, precisely...

Updated the page quite a while ago (11/1?) and forgot to mention it...I hope by now that those who would care would've visited the page anyway, but it's more of the same...

What else? Oh, Jen got an offer from a magazine to use Hellsing: Amen in their publication, and after we got together (over email and AIM) and made a list of stringent demands (Ha, right...), we gave them permission to go ahead. Now we're just sitting back, mildly amused, and waiting to see what happens.

Heh, might be my first time to get printed/published....

Also got commission offer, will start doodling soon, even tho (thankfully) it seems to be a pretty light one...she doesn't have a lot of money, I don't have a lot of time, so we're all pretty laid back about it. That's good, I hope...

Fingers are freezing...stopped analyzing the distributional and efficiency effects of EOI and ISI policies to type this up (if you understood what i just said, come and help me with homework!) and now will go back to it...Long live EOI and ISI, tho it seems that the general consensus is that they should use OEI. Heh, funny policy makers...

I go now...


Glossary: (For my amusement)

EOI--Export oriented industrialization. Government, subsidies, and we watch the world go boom...

ISI--Import Substitution industrialization. Government, tariffs/quotas, and we watch the world go boom...

OEI--Open Economy industrialization. Sorta government, FDI/FPI (but no FBI?), and supposedly, the world doesn't go boom as badly...