Tuesday, May 18, 2004

LJ maintenance...
Besides, I already wrote an entry in there, so I shall write one in here too.^_^

I noticed a trend...it seems like everyone is doing a friends only thing these days. But then I say, what's the fun in that? Perhaps it's just because I mostly ramble about pointless, non-important, inoffensive things, so the whole 'being flamed by someone I don't know nor care to know' thing is alien to me (not that I want to be flamed)...but how are you supposed to know if you want to be 'friends' with them unless you get to read their journal, instead of that one huge graphic going "This journal is friends only. Please make sure you have something in common with me before commenting, then I will add you."...I'm like "I have no clue what I have in common with you, and it seems like you're pretty hard to be friends with, so...*shrug*."

This came about because I was investigating the LJ people that friended Witchspring. Just to see if I see any familiar faces, so to speak...and of course I run into a bunch of friends only journals. Puts a damper on "Let's see who's interested in our community", I say...but I suppose it can't be helped.

But there's no such thing on blogger, eh??? *evil grin*

Wow, my journal is sooo incredibly boring.^_^; No wonder I'm never flamed. But that's a good thing, I say.

I say a lot of stuff!XD

I need to go to bed...Got some more packing done, so am happy. Contemplating what to do about clothes, though. I have too much. And ME, having too much clothing, is a very strange thing indeed. I suppose that's what happens when you accumulate over four years. Thankfully, I think it's manageable...

I goes!


Thursday, May 13, 2004


LJ won't let me in, so I'll post here, muwahahahah!

Er, right. Finished my review questions. Almost done with essay (since I doubt I can make it more than a page anyway, considering there's not that much to talk about?). Now I just have to part with my quarters to do some laundry. Oh, drats, I just remembered that I would have to re-add the commenting options thingie...phoeey.

Like the new template? Blogger's got some nice ones now, makes me happy.^_^

Will have to call Don tonight to see if he can pick me up from the airport when I go home. Review session last night was BORING as all hells, with only one thing that was actually helpful.

Ok, I go!
