Monday, December 03, 2001

On the Virtues and Evils of Mathematics:

I used to LIKE math...I think I still do, a little. It's useful, it's wonderful, and sometimes I do get why the mathematicians would be doing cartwheels of joy once a certain relationship between functions come to light (the example that pops to mind right now is e^ix = cos x + isin x, don't ask me to prove it). But it is kind of sad how the school system runs and makes math into nothing more than horribly repetitive number crankings... So far, I think infinite series takes the cake for being generally unpalapable to the average student (i.e.: Me). It's just...there's so much of it! @_@. Math tests, math lectures, math discussions, math homework, etc...

This week's homework is surprisingly light...I think either the professor decided to take pity on us, or he's gearing up for the real biggie. *drumroll* How to solve differential equations with power series! *ominous clap of thunder* @_@. It was almost comical how the whole lecture hall echoed with the groans when he started putting that lovely summation sign on the board...Oh, well, more junk I'll be needing to know for the final.

Speaking of finals...I'm having them right now, courtesy of my Japanese class, since the language courses usually take the finals before the official finals week...oi, vey...

I will be returning to my math homework...oh, wait, I finished it sometime during this rant...I'll be tackling my econ homework now...I guess I'd better not start a ramble about THAT, otherwise all heck will break loose...

Ok, me go now...Majo-chan signing off.


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